Sunday, September 16, 2012

In the family way

So, for the few people out there who haven't heard our great news, here it is: I'm pregnant! Yay!

Matt and I are So excited! I'm 13 weeks and due March 23. We've seen the baby in an ultrasound at six weeks .... it looked like a little dot. We also heard the heart beat at 10 weeks. Really fun stuff. We won't know if it's a boy or girl until the last week of October, so we're really looking forward to that appointment.


When pregnant women say they're tired in their first trimester, what they really mean is unbelievably exhausted. Pregnancy websites warning me I might feel tired during the past few months is a cruel joke. The truth is, most days of the week, I feel like I'm on two days of no sleep and have a marathon to run.

 The other day, I cried during a commercial. Seriously. Today I was watching a recording of Go On and teared up when the main character talked about his wife dieing. It's incredibly weird how emotional I've been for the past several weeks.

Keeping it a secret for a while was easy. Finding a way to tell our family in a way that one side didn't find out through Facebook or something was difficult. And then, we tell everyone, and everyone kept it off of Facebook .... of course.

Meeting expectations

Because my mother never had morning sickness, I expected the same. As irrational as that may be, it turned out to be true. I've had no morning sickness. Sure, for a few weeks in there I felt a little sick to my stomach in the afternoons, but nothing serious. And that makes the tiredness OK. It's more than a fair trade off.

Our families are so excited. Everyone is working on grandparent names and making plans to get off of work in March.

Looking forward

I feel like we have a long way to go, but really it's just six more months away. How crazy is that? I better start reading up on what I have to expect.

Which brings me to my plea for help. I love books. I love information. It comforts me. So PLEASE send pregnancy, motherhood and child raising book suggestions my way! I need some books and I don't know where to start. If it helped you, then please recommend it to me.

Thanks everyone. And please keep me, Matt and little one in your prayers.

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